Wednesday 21 December 2011

pinky pinky guitar, i want to have you! :D

hola ulala! ^.^  *ignore my bad intro*

as i told you in my previous entry, this is my most wanted stuff right now. not iphone, not bb (of course) not ipad and bla3. but pink guitar! haha. eeee adorable okayyyy? cute bha!

now tell me guys, is it weird, for me, to have one, like really3 want that stuff? pelik ka? aneh ka? mena sik pelik? but WHO CARES. :D

semua orang ada minat dan kesukaan masing2. and for me, this one! bha, nanti bulih la sa mo main gitar sambil sa mo nyanyi2. wlopun suara sa ndak la sedap mana juga. bulih bha kalo aku. hahaha.

jum2, take a look the pink guitar that i dah usha2. hehe.

ada signature TAYLOR SWIFT! uwaaaaa~ :)

cute kan cute kan? #1

cute kan cute kan? #2

then you know why am i so crazy about this stuff. cute bha tu. hehe. so i wish that i will have it so soon. SOON! :D
ok bye. hehe.

Friday 16 December 2011

The Moment When I Was A Freshie

Assalammualaikum rakan-rakan dan taulan! :D

today, rasa nak bercerita pasal moment2 jadi freshie time mula2 masuk UMS (3 bulan yg lepas). the very junior. bukan super junior. wkwkwkw. hye lee teuk. hahaha. :P

freshie. sounds cute ryte? *angkat2 kening* hehehe.

so, al-kisahnya.

jadi freshie, mestila sinonim dengan minggu orientasi ryte? that time lah masa kita nak cari kawan baru, adapt dgn suasana baru. that sounds easy, BUT it's difficult for me. because honestly people, i'm not good at making new friends. T.T

sepanjang minggu orientasi, not bad la. makanan? okay laa. free je. :P tapi yg seksa nya time2 nak beratur naik bas. panjang gila! haihhh. pagi2 kena bangun awal. balik bilik pun lewat malam. penat + letih + mengantuk semua ada. kalau ada salah sikit, eh no no, salah banyak, senior dah melenting. marah2. tapi not bad la, senior lucu2, fun. :)

nah, take a look the pictures that i took during minggu orientasi. :)

gambar before nak senamrobik kat stadium. :P

stadium UMS :)

actually banyak lagi gambar, tapi masih terkandas dalam handphone. nanti2 lah tambah lagi yerr. :D

for the first week, wuuuuu. nak kata homesick, itu adalah wajib. sbb, kawan belum ada, masih x tau apa2, maseh belom biasa x tengok muka mak, abah, abang and adik tiap2 hari. :( 

before mak nak balik kuching lps hantar fatin kat UMS, mak call, and she's crying on the phone. macam2 pesan mak, maklumlah, this is my first time far from home. asrama pun x pernah lagi.

tiap2 malam, i'm trying to sleep, but i can't, eventhough i'm tired to the death! sbb tiap kali nak tidur, mesti teringat suara mak tgh nangis to let me go and stay here. alone. then bila teringat, start lah nangis before tidur. that feeling, only God knows. :'(

so, actually kan, bukan senang jauh dgn family, jauh dgn rumah sendiri. it's feel like, i don't know how to describe that feeling. *tetiba mood sedeh*

but it's okay laaaaaaa. kita nak menuntut ilmu, hati mesti kuat. mak bpk pun nak kita berjaya. kan kan. thanx to all my bestfriends yg salu support and give kata2 semangat to me. saya teramat lah menghargainya. farah, belle, and semua lah. cheyyy. mcm mng award. :P

okayyy that's all rasanya. if i rajin2, later i tambah2 koleksi gambar time orientasi okayy. buhhhhbyeeee. ^.^